Tag Archives: Reverse Diabetes

How to actually “Fix” Type II Diabetes!

How to actually “Fix” Type II Diabetes!

In this video, Dr. Spages introduces himself as a diabetes doctor that has been reversing Type 2 Diabetes and helping his patients live a better quality of life for many years. There has to be a way to fix type II diabetes. His approach to reversing Type 2 Diabetes is unique, and he explains why […]

“Shocking” Reason Why Diabetes Numbers Go High

“Shocking” Reason Why Diabetes Numbers Go High

What foods to eat if you are suffering with diabetes? In this video, Dr. Spages explains how important it is for Type 2 Diabetics to be eating the correct diet. There is a lot of confusion on what foods to eat if you are suffering with diabetes. What should you eat? When should you eat […]

The Best Protein Shake to Help Diabetic Blood Sugar

The Best Protein Shake to Help Diabetic Blood Sugar

In this video Dr. Spages explains that keeping your blood sugar balanced is very important when you’re a Type 2 Diabetic. This is a key component that is often overlooked in the standard of care for diabetics in the United States. Firstly, you will hear how Dr. Spages recommends that his patients have some form […]

Dr. Jonathan Spages can help Reverse Diabetes in Adults

reverse diabetes seminar

Want to Reverse Diabetes? Whenever someone is diagnosed as a diabetic their only option is usually only medication and never given the option to reverse diabetes. There are natural approaches to reversing diabetes. Dr Jonathan Spages has amazing solutions for diabetics and how his natural approach is helping them get better over time. By reversing […]

What Causes Diabetes?

What causes type 2 diabetes

In this video, Dr. Spages discusses with viewers what causes type 2 diabetes. Most people with diabetes have no idea what caused it. What Factors Cause Someone to Become a Diabetic? Obesity, genetics, bad diet, lack of exercise aren’t really the cause of diabetes. Sound familiar? Doctors often give their patients these reasons for diabetes […]

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

Weight loss for diabetics

Sounds amazing!! Its is. Follow these steps to get help losing weight. Adhering to an ordinary eating routine and exercise design can be troublesome. Notwithstanding, there are a few demonstrated tips that can help you “carelessly” eat less calories. These are viable approaches that will teach you how to lose weight fast in addition to […]

A Natural Solution to Reverse Diabetes

Reverse Diabetes Naturally | Dr. Spages Natural Diabetes Solutions

Reverse Diabetes Naturally Diabetes is a disease that has taken lives for a long time. There has never been a thorough investigation on how to prevent, treat and properly diagnose diabetes. Doctors have been making attempts to work out on a way to reverse diabetes naturally but many fail. This include other methods that can be […]

Doctor Finds an Answer for Diabetes and how To Reverse Diabetes without Metformin

Doctor Finds an Answer for Diabetes and how To Reverse Diabetes without Metformin

Description and History of Diabetes Diabetes is a disease that has taken lives for a long time. There has been an investigation on how to prevent and diagnose diabetes. The diabetic story is so familiar to millions of Type II diabetics. Doctors have been making attempts to work out a way to reverse diabetes. Dr. […]

Why is it so frustrating being a diabetic?

Why is it so frustrating being a diabetic

Are you looking for the best solution for diabetes? So I get this question all the time period. Why can’t I see a great improvement in my blood sugar levels even when I’m eating? What I’m supposed to eat and doing what I’m supposed to do. Trust me, I fully understand. This happens to be […]

It is Too Good to True, but you can Reverse Diabetes

How You can Reverse Diabetes | Healthy Eating | Exercise | Dr. Spages

Introduction Want to Reverse Diabetes? Well this  is a disease that transpires when blood sugar is far above the normal level. This happens when insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas and does not get the glucose from food to body cells. When this does not happen, due to low production of insulin and the blood […]

Tips on How to Live as a Type 2 Diabetic

Tips on How to Live as a Type 2 Diabetic | Dr. Jonathan Spages

Are you diagnosed with type 2 diabetes without an idea how to live life to the fullest? Do you think you cannot your condition? At first, knowing that you are a type 2 diabetic, you will feel negative and stressed for sure. It is normal, but make sure to accept it as early as possible […]

How Dr. Jonathan Spages Can Help Reverse Diabetes

How Dr. Jonathan Spages Can Help Reverse Diabetes

Believe it or not, millions of people all over the world are suffering from diabetes. You have to fix the cause of the disease. This is How Dr. Jonathan Spages Can Help Reverse Diabetes! In fact, diabetes has also taken a lot of lives before and if we don’t exert any effort to reverse diabetes, […]


Dr Jonathan Spages

Expert in Reversing Diabetes

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