Tag Archives: functional medicine

When Should You Seek a Diabetes Specialist?

Diabetic Specialist

Most people with diabetes have also experienced the help of primary care doctors or nurse practitioner who are there to help them manage and reverse diabetes. An example is a person with type 2 diabetes that not that complicated may not need seeing a specialist anymore since the condition can be easily managed by a […]

Dr. Spages is Helping Your Body to Reverse Diabetes

Dr. Spages is Helping Your Body to Reverse Diabetes | Dr. Jonathan Spages

Research and scientists suggest you can improve diabetes Top scientists, medical doctors, nutritionists, and even media say that type 2 diabetes is a condition that can be completely reversed. But millions of people around the world mostly believe that diabetes is a genetic disease and that they will have to live with diabetes for the […]


Dr Jonathan Spages

Expert in Reversing Diabetes

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