Is Type 2 Diabetes really Genetic?

Is Type 2 Diabetes really Genetic?

Is Diabetes Inherited From Mother or Father?


Hi, I’m Dr. Jonathan Spagesis. I’m putting this video together. It’s just a quick video about my approach to diabetes and how the patients that I’ve seen who’ve been invited into the program and has been accepted and gone through our program, have literally reversed their diabetes, off medication, energy, losing weight without exercise, and just have a whole entire life change. Okay, so I want to go over one of the things that people are always ask about diabetes and genetics.
Most people who are type two diabetic are told, listen, I am a diabetic because it runs in my family, right? My mom had it. My dad had it. Something happens, right? So let me just explain.
So in the genome project where they actually looked at all the genes, there’s no gene for diabetes. Okay? So type two diabetes is not genetic. Now, could there be predispositions that kind of push you in that direction? For sure.
However, then I asked the question of, well, how many patients have I seen that have been told they are genetically a type two diabetic? Yet they were able to reverse their diabetes, meaning off medication, losing weight without exercise, tons of energy, their sex life coming back. They go back to their doctor. Their doctor doesn’t see that they’re even a diabetic to begin with. So if they were told it’s genetic, how are they able to diabetes?
I didn’t dig up all their family members to see that. Hey, listen, I dug up your Uncle Joe and I fixed his genes, and now your genes have improved, right? So it sounds ridiculous, but you get my point. There’s actually a reason why people are diabetic, and there’s actually organs that go out of place. There are four different organs that actually control your blood sugar levels.
So in order to be a diabetic, those organs have to malfunction, right? There has to be basically, those organs aren’t working the way they should. Now, how do they get that way? Well, that’s an interesting question because everybody is different, right? Some people it’s because of stress.
Some people it’s because of bad lifestyle and diet. And some people it is due to the fact that their body just started getting a little bit unbalanced for whatever reason. The point is that once you figure out specifically for that diabetic why their reason that they’re a diabetic, it’s actually pretty interesting because then you could actually customize a plan directly for them exactly what diet they need, what supplements they need to take, and basically what they need to do specifically that gets them the results. Okay, so I put a link to a webinar within this post here. So check it out.
I go over all the details for you or a loved one who may have diabetes. And it’s really, really helpful because it really uncovers what’s below the surface. All right? So I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope it benefits you or someone else.
And check the webinar, and hopefully it gives you a direction and a path to take to actually see improvements within your condition. All right. You’re a loved one. All right. Thank you very much for watching.
Have a great day.

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Dr Jonathan Spages

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