Is Gluten Good For Type II Diabetics?

Is Gluten Good For Type II Diabetics?

So if you watch any of my videos, I talk sometimes about staying away from gluten. Well, what the heck is gluten and why is that even important for a type two diabetic? So in this video, I am actually going to go it’s going to be kind of fun, but I am going to go kind of in the depths of what gluten is, why it’s important. I’ll share some stories and experiences that you will certainly appreciate and you’ll understand more about if gluten is the right thing. And if it isn’t, well, why is it really bad?

And what ramification and your health could it have? So hang tight. We have a lot to go over, but enjoy this video. This is definitely one of my favorite videos because you’re going to get a lot out of it. All right, let’s get started.

So the first thing we look at is, well, what is gluten in the first place, right? I’m sure if you’ve gone to the store, you have probably seen something that says gluten free. And if you’ve been paying attention in the store, you know that 20 years ago, you may have seen one item that says gluten free, and now it seems like it’s everywhere. Even when you go to restaurants, there’s something a gluten free menu sometimes. Or if you go to a restaurant, you’ll see like a little GF standing for gluten free right next to the actual food.

But what actually is gluten? And why is this a big deal? So let’s actually talk about this, all right? So when we look at a piece of wheat, all right, and I want to be a full disclosure, the wheat we are eating now is not the same wheat they talked about in the Bible many years ago, right? Because they mentioned that this is a different type of wheat, and this is a wheat that is what is called genetically modified.

So what does that mean? That means that there are some scientists and people that work in the food agricultural industry that have altered our wheat. Okay, so the same wheat that they talk about in the Bible is not the same wheat. As a matter of fact, if you go to other countries, like in Europe, they actually process and their wheat is actually very different. But anyway, let’s talk about what this is, all right?

So let me draw on the screen here so you have a better understanding. Believe it or not, there are three different parts to actually a piece of wheat. You have the germ, which is this area right here, and that is basically the seed for another piece of wheat. So it’s basically the germ is what actually makes more and more wheat grow. It’s the seed of the wheat.

The endosperm right here, that is actually the part that is the gluten. And as you can see, it takes a large part of actually this piece of wheat and then the last thing is the brand. And the brand composes of certain vitamins within the wheat as well as the carbohydrates. Okay, so what’s the big deal? Well, over time, they have genetically modified this, essentially increasing this gluten part, this endosperm part.

So play along. I’m going to do a drawing here. So basically, if they made the germ smaller and they thinned out the brand, now they could have more glue in the middle. So gluten could take a larger part of the picture here. Now, why would you want to do this if you are manufacturing wheat?

Why would this be an important thing? Well, believe it or not, when they’ve done certain studies, they found out that when they started making the wheat have more gluten, insects wouldn’t eat it. Insects look at it like, what the heck is this? And the insects actually don’t eat it at that point. Well, this is really good if you’re a manufacturer of agriculture where you’re trying to produce a lot of wheat for a society, because now they don’t need to put these big airplanes in the sky and use all the pesticides and so forth.

And it costs them a lot less to actually produce the wheat. The other thing is, by not needing this, they could still make your cookies, cakes, and doughnuts and all those things really cheap. No one wants to go to the store and buy, like, an $86 doughnut, right? So they made this modification to the wheat in order for a couple of things. Mostly it’s profit, right?

But also it’s because they can keep the cost of the wheat down and down low. Now, why is this an issue? Right? So now we look at there is a problem with gluten, okay? And I’m going to tell you a really quick story that you’ll appreciate.

So when I practiced in New Jersey I don’t know why this occurred, by the way, but this is pretty funny. So I had an attorney. So I practiced in New Jersey, and you can imagine what new attorneys are like in New York City, right? They’re pretty tough guys, and they’re pretty aggressive, right? So I did have a patient type two diabetic.

They were an attorney, and they came to see me, and they wanted me to help them. So I went through this whole conversation with them about, hey, listen, you should really stay away from gluten. And they were pretty dead set on, hey, gluten is not an issue. There’s no way. Everything is good.

I’m not sensitive to gluten. I was like a lot of the world’s population, because of this genetically modified component, they’re really sensitive to gluten. So I’m like, I would definitely stay away from it. But he’s an attorney, so he’s arguing with me, oh, I can’t be allergic. There’s no way.

And I was like I was just in one of those moods. I was like, all right, listen, why don’t we send you out for labs, and there are certain labs in the country that run really good testing on this. And I said, let’s just look and see. And maybe you are right? Maybe you’re that first person, right?

So anyway, this lab that I sent this attorney out to, it was a couple of $100, maybe three or $400 for doing the testing. And I got the results back in about two weeks. And what it does is actually an antibody test, really good test, and it looks at 17 different components a week, and Gluten and other things like that. Like if you have the gene for celiac and other things, right? So anyway, he comes back in, and I’m about to go over the lab results.

Well, out of the 17 test, literally 14 of them showed that he was positive. And I was like, Why don’t you just let me do my job? I’ve done this only a couple of thousand times. Like, trust me. Just stay away from we.

So anyway, he left my office tail between his legs, and I was like, you want evidence? And I provided evidence. So he learned his lesson, and no sooner than that, then literally, like six months later, another attorney who is a patient comes into my office, and we have the same discussion. Now, I wanted to be nice, and I was like, Listen, let me just save you the $300. We shouldn’t go and get we tested.

I think it makes sense to just not get it tested. Just take my word for it. I may just know something about it, but he’s an attorney. He’s like, no, there’s no way. And he’s going through this whole speech about it was in the Bible, and I kind of explained this, not on a slide, but anyway, long story short, so I just didn’t feel like arguing.

I was like, all right, let’s send you out for the lab. Let’s see what’s going on. So same scenario. And I’m just like, Why don’t they listen? Like, I don’t know.

So anyway, he wound up getting the lab done, and exactly like I mentioned earlier, kind of like a literally a repeat, like it’s Groundhog’s Day. Like, I’ve been in this day. Before he comes back in, I go over the labs. Out of the 17 test, he is positive for eleven of the 17. So what is my point to this?

You’re likely allergic and or sensitive to Gluten, and I will explain why in the next slide. But my point is, don’t be an attorney. Just trust me. Stay away from gluten. All right, so let’s go to the next slide.

All right, here we go. This is what happens, right? So this is a person, and they’re about to eat Gluten, right? So how many times have you seen that? Where you go to a family member’s house or a relative’s house?

You see all this food that looks so good, right? Cookies and cakes and your favorite dessert and all of this gluten sitting there and boy does it taste good. So you wind up consuming it, right? And you eat the birthday cake. You end up eating the cupcakes, chocolate, vanilla, whatever.

And it goes in your mouth and in the tip of your nose to the back of your mouth. It is heavenly. Oh my God, it tastes so good. So what’s the problem, right? Who cares?

The problem is this. It has to go from your mouth, through your body, through all of this tubing, out the other end. Okay? So I’m not going to draw a picture of the other end. You know what the other end looks like, right?

So it has to go through all of this tubing, so correct. She is really happy that she’s eating these cookies and cakes and donuts and all of this. But once it gets past the back of your throat, it starts kicking your butt, right? And that is one of the issues. And let me explain and that’s what happens.

She starts crying, right? Oh my God. So you don’t want to go from this to this. That is not the goal, right? You do not want to do it.

I remember many times when I was in practice in New Jersey and I was there for about 20 years, we had actually stairs from like the reception area up to the treatment area, like four stairs. And it’s been common to see and throughout the years of practicing there. Once in a while I have a patient literally crawling up the stairs and I’m looking at them like, what is going on here? And they’re like, well, I had a wedding this weekend. And I’m like, did you learn your lesson?

Right? Because they wind up going to this wedding eating all these bad foods or whatever and inflaming the heck out of them. All right? So I want to talk about why that happens. Just so you are aware of it.

This way you understand what the big deal is, all right? So here we go. So I am going to erase this, alright?


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Dr Jonathan Spages

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